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Mindset Grants: Helping fund your dreams

A new subscription service designed to help you build and scale your business, support your community, collaborate on research, and achieve your goals.

Mindset Grants

How We Help

Grant Strategy Report

A professional report to confirm status, eligibility, immediate opportunities, and a 12-month plan based on your goals.

Grant Monitoring & Alerts

Never miss an opportunity! Receive alerts for grants as they are announced. We track over 9000+ sources for you.

Quarterly Check-In/Updates

Quarterly meetings to confirm goals, milestones achieved, and opportunities. We update your strategy accordingly.

Grant Submission Reviews

A meticulous review of your grant submissions, including feedback and guidance on how to maximise your chances.

Funding Project Design & Budgets

Develop or draft your project plan, budget, expected outcomes, and ensure alignment with grant guidelines.

Partner Club Membership

Access to an ecosystem of potential grant partners for those looking to collaborate on larger, long-term grants.

Finding and securing grants can be a daunting task. At Mindset Grants, we take the hassle out of the process by offering a comprehensive subscription service that covers everything from monitoring and alerting you to new grants based on your eligibility to designing projects and budgets, reviewing drafts, and even finding partners.

Our service includes a personalised Grant Strategy Report, monthly and real-time alerts for new grant opportunities, quarterly check-ins, detailed project planning, and access to a network of potential grant partners. We also provide reviews of your grant submissions, test evaluations and feedback on how to score additional points.

Our subscription model is cost-effective and designed to ensure you never miss an opportunity to secure funding. Instead of spending countless hours searching for grants, checking eligibility, and trying to align your projects with grant goals, let us do the hard work for you.

With Mindset Grants, you can focus on running your business while we help you find and win the funding or support you need to achieve your dreams.

Mindset Grants About

About Mindset Grants

  • We’re on a mission to help small and startup businesses, not-for-profits, charities, and community associations get the support, guidance, and funding they need to fulfil their dreams.
  • With 35 years of experience in procurement, supply chain, tendering, evaluation, collaboration, and grant writing, we’ve streamlined the process of finding, analysing, and optimising submissions to maximise your opportunities.
  • Our subscription service is easy to use, simple to action, and cost-effective for any type or size of organisation.
how our service works
We’ve developed a proprietary system to streamline and simplify the process of finding, drafting, and winning grants.

Discuss your organisation’s goals, aspirations, and special projects or growth ambitions.

Set up a monitoring campaign and send monthly alerts of new or upcoming grant opportunities.

Advantage Subscribers receive real-time alerts.

We set up a monitoring campaign for you across our 9,000+ sources of information and send you monthly alerts of new or upcoming grant opportunities launching.

Advantage Subscribers receive dedicated alerts for opportunities in real-time (same day) immediately upon a new grant launching.

Quarterly check-ins to ensure you receive the most relevant information and are progressing in your goals.

Advantage Subscribers also have their status updated in the Partner Club.

Review and analyse your draft submissions and provide feedback to improve your score against the criteria and alignment to objectives.

*For Advantage Subscribers, develop detailed project plans, budgets, expected outcomes, and risk management plans.

*For Advantage subscribers, access to an exclusive group for collaborative grant opportunities.

Significant discounts (20%-40%) on our done-for-you grant writing service.

Happy & Successful Customers

Select Your Plan

Choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget. Our flexible pricing options provide you with essential tools and expert support to maximise your grant opportunities. Whether you’re just starting out or seeking comprehensive assistance, we have a plan for you.


Everything you need to get started.
$ 197
  • Personalised Grant Strategy Report
  • Initial Grant Opportunity Scan
  • Ongoing Grant Monitor & Alerts
  • Quarterly Check-In & Update
  • 2x Grant Submission Reviews/Year
  • 20% Grant Writing Discount


Your partner in Grant Funding Success.
$ 497
  • Everything in Essentials, Plus:
  • Dedicated & Personal Grant Alerts
  • Grant Project Design & Planning
  • Partner Club Membership
  • 4x Grant Submission Reviews/Year
  • 40% Grant Writing Discount
Includes Partner Club

Grant Writing

Our Done-for-You Comprehensive Service
Request Quote
  • Comprehensive Grant Research
  • Tailored Proposal Development
  • Expert Writing and Editing
  • Detailed Project & Budget Planning
  • Strategic Narrative Structuring
  • Feedback and Revision
Not quite ready for a subscription service? Try our Grant Ready package.

Prepare your organisation for grant success with our “Grant Ready” package. This once-off service is designed to equip you with the essential tools and strategies needed to secure funding confidently.

Our package includes a 45-minute strategy session where we will discuss your goals and aspirations, providing tailored guidance on how to position your organisation for grant opportunities. You will receive an actionable checklist, detailing necessary steps such as joining various industry groups and business registers, ensuring you’re well-prepared and visible to potential funders.

Additionally, we provide templates for crafting compelling value propositions, innovative growth ideas, detailed project plans, and accurate budgets. Once you’ve completed your checklists and templates, our experts will conduct an in-depth analysis and provide constructive feedback to enhance your readiness for grant applications.

Grant Ready Package
  • Discuss your goals and aspirations
  • Confirm your eligibility for grant categories
  • Tailored guidance for grant opportunities
  • Step-by-step tasks for becoming grant-ready
  • Register on various industry boards and business registers
  • Value proposition
  • Project planning
  • Budgets
  • In-depth review of completed checklists and templates
  • Constructive feedback to enhance grant readiness
Book your Grant Ready Package
today for the once-off fee of
just $497 $397 Inc GST.

Plan Comparisons and Pricing Questions

Consider your grantseeking goals, the level of assistance you need, and your budget. Our Essentials plan is great for starters, while our Advantage plan offers more indepth support and opportunities.

Essentials Subscribers receive monitoring and alerts monthly based on your eligibility and category (e.g., Business + South Australia + Innovation).

Advantage Subscribers receive dedicated monitoring and alerts specifically for them in realtime.

If you’re looking for grant funding ASAP, Advantage offers the best alerting solution for you.

Most grants call for a specific project with start and end dates, milestones, budgets, success metrics, risks, and project plans aligned to their goals and objectives.

Advantage Subscribers receive a tailored project design (including detailed project plans and budgets) to suit their ambitions and align with the grant objectives.

Grant Reviews are feedback on draft submissions you have written. Both plans include Grant Reviews.

Grant Writing is a doneforyou professional service we provide. We offer this service on a pergrant basis due to the varying types.

Typically we work on a complexity and value scale:

As an indicative example:

Low complexity/value: Usually under 10 pages and under $100K in grant funding. These can range from $1000 to around $5000.

Medium complexity/value: Usually 10-20 pages and under $500K in grant funding. These can range from $2500 to around $15000.

High complexity/value: Usually 20+ pages and $500K+ in grant funding or could include partnerships. These can be upward of $20000.

The Partner Club is an exclusive group where members can join forces to respond to larger and collaborative grants.

We monitor for opportunities for members to collaborate and alert relevant members as these opportunities arise.

Many of these grants involve a research partner, a small/medium business, and/or a community or industry association.

Advantage Subscribers have access to the Partner Club.

Absolutely not!

Our pricing is in AUD and includes GST.

Neither plan has any additional costs.

If you would like us to write a grant application for/with you, these transactions are charged based on how complex and valuable the grant is.

We accept major credit cards and Apple/Google Pay for your convenience.

No, our subscriptions are flexible and can be monthtomonth, so you can cancel at any time without longterm commitments.

We do offer a discount for annual payment of our subscriptions.

Yes, you can change your subscription at any time to better suit your needs.

Click here to access your subscription settings

Essentials Subscribers receive alerts monthly.

Advantage Subscribers receive dedicated alerts for opportunities in real-time (same day) immediately upon a grant launching.

Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not satisfied within the first 30 days, you can request a refund. Some terms and conditions apply.

Have More Questions?
Require a Grant Writing Quote?
Get In Touch Here:

Join Our Early Bird Waitlist and Save 50%!

Be a pioneer in adopting our subscription service to help fund your dreams! Join our waitlist by 30 June and receive:

  • 50% Discount: Enjoy a huge 50% off – no payment required until launch.
  • Advanced Access: Be the first to access and benefit – we’re targeting 1st July launch.
  • Head Start: We can complete your Grant Eligibility and Strategy Report immediately!